Honey Bee Removal Sussex

From dealing with rats in your garden to removing a bee’s nest, the team at Envirowell Pest Control guarantee to solve your pest problem by utilising the very latest professional pest control techniques which have been designed to offer a lasting solution as opposed to offering a quick fix. The premier standard of honey bee removal Sussex has to offer allows us to control all pests via our team of qualified and experienced pest control technicians.

About Envirowell

We are passionate about the environment and that’s why our fully qualified technician will ensure that all treatments carried out are safe to do so. We are Oxted’s professionally trained technicians who can control pests safely, legally and effectively.

For more on our services, please click here.

Honey bees are extremely beneficial to our environment. Here at Envirowell we are passionate about bees and take every step to save our bees. We relocate bees from buildings and structures and then ensure that they will not return to the same voids.

Damage bees cause

There are many reasons for removing honey bees from commercial and residential properties. These are some of the main reasons.

  • Honey bees build a honeycomb in the voids and each capsule will be filled with honey or eggs/larvae, this can amount to many kilos putting a strain on a single area of the building/structure such as walls, and roofs and chimneys.
  • Honey can leach from the comb and then cause patches on walls/ceilings where the bees are.
  • The comb that has been built can be a perfect source for wax moths which in turn can cause larvae of the moths to encroach into living spaces.
  • The bees can become confused if they can see light coming from the living areas of the house which will lead several bees out into the living areas.
  • Honey bee stings are painful and can be especially dangerous for people who are allergic to their stings.

Bees removal service

The removal of honey bees can be a complicated process. It all begins with a survey then a complete plan of action can be put together. Our plan of action will include access if needed to be able to reach the bees and make sure that the building occupants and the public are safe during the removal plus any other site-dependent issues. Once the removal has taken place the bees are relocated into hives to be looked after. the voids in which the bees were present are then sealed so no more bees can reach this area. The work carried out is then guaranteed for a minimum of 5 years.

So if you have spotted any signs of a pest on your property.

Call us now so we can quickly get you pest-free.

Our Pest Prevention Service Includes

Envirowell’s pest control service offers regular inspections, treatments and written reports detailing any pest issues on your site. This history of work will enable you to show the authorities that you are fully complying with legislation to help keep your business pest-free.

Our qualified technicians will carry out a thorough inspection of your premises and check all pre-installed pest monitors for signs of any activity.

Reactive Services

For a variety of reasons, we do not always get the opportunity to implement our pest prevention methods but we can still quickly help out via our reactive pest control services.

Our team of technicians are trained to the highest industry standards and always aims to resolve your pest problem in the quickest, safest way possible.

Have We Worked For You?

We love getting feedback from our clients. What did we do well? Was there anything that we could do better? If you would like to share your Envirowell experience, please click on our Google Maps listing below and let us know about your experience with our team.

Further Information

If you would like any further information regarding Envirowell Pest Control and our honey bee removal Sussex services, please get in touch.

You can contact us on Tel. No. 07795250356, via e-mail – info@envirowell.co.uk or via our official Facebook page and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.

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